Liberty is Here to Answer all Your questions 

You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. If you still have questions after reading this section, please do not hesitate to call us. We’re here for you 24/7, and even on holidays. 

  • We walk you through the process
  • Call us anytime with questions
  • We treat you with respect and compassion
A happy customer getting out of jail in Madison, Mississippi.
Can I arrange for bail as soon as I have been arrested or as soon as I know a friend or a loved one has been arrested?

Generally, bail may not be posted until a defendant has completed the arrest and booking procedures in the individual jurisdiction. This process may be done quickly where there is sufficient staffing or a small jurisdiction but may take several hours if there is insufficient staffing.

How can I verify that your company is licensed and in good standing?

Mississippi laws require that all bail bond companies are licensed through the Mississippi Department of Insurance. You may verify our license status by clicking this link. 

Is there a lot of paperwork that has to be done to secure a bail bond?

The paperwork for posting a bond is fairly minimal. Liberty Bail Bonds will provide you with an application, If there is collateral involved, then additional documentation may be required.

What happens if I do post bail and the defendant fails to appear in court?

Fortunately, most times this happens because of a mix up and can be easily solved with a simple telephone call. Either the defendant failed to appear because they have forgotten about the court date, been involved in an accident or traffic jams have prevented them from arriving at court in a timely manner. If you contact us at Liberty Bail Bonds immediately upon being notified that the defendant has not appeared, we will work with the defendant’s attorney and the courts.

If I post a bail bond for someone what are my responsibilities?

If you are posting bail for a friend or a loved one, you are committed to ensuring that the defendant appears for all future court dates. Because you are basically the indemnitor of the bond (i.e. you have posted the bond) you now have accepted this responsibility.

What is the process if someone remains in custody?

If a defendant is not bailed out of custody whether because they have been denied bail or because someone has not posted bail on their behalf they would remain in jail until their case is settled. Depending on the charges, this can take several months and even up to a year. 

What does Released on Recognizance mean?

If a judge has determined that a defendant does not pose a threat of flight or other reasons that may not warrant a defendant posting bail, the judge may rule that the defendant may be released on their own recognizance. This means simply that no bond is due to the court and that only a signature promise by the defendant is required to secure release.

Please define exactly what a Bail Bond is?

A Bail Bond is easily defined as a “Surety Bond” which in effect means that we are guaranteeing based on your signature that the defendant will report as ordered for all future court dates.

How do I pay for a bail bond?

At Liberty Bail Bonds, we understand fully that bailing yourself, a friend or a loved one out of jail is something that is typically not in everyone’s budget. Because of this we can (a) arrange for financing; (b) accept all major credit cards; or (c) arrange for collaterally based bond.

Do I have to pay the entire fee up front?

Liberty Bail Bonds has financing available – you will be required to make a deposit and we will assist you with the remaining balance.

Is it possible to negotiate the fee on a bond?

No it is not. The cost of a bond is set by the state of Mississippi. Bail Bond companies have absolutely no power in setting the bail amount.  Any offer to provide you a bond at less rate set by the court should warn you that the company you are dealing with is pulling a scam. Liberty Bail Bonds must adhere to all of the laws of Mississippi in order to maintain our license.

How to I get my collateral back if I’ve used it for a bond?

Once a defendant has met their obligations to the court including all appearances and any financial matters that may be attended to, Liberty Bail Bonds will contact you immediately to release your collateral back to you.

Do I always have to provide collateral with a bond?

Often we are able to supply bonds on simply a signature instead of requiring collateral. This will vary from person to person. Call us immediately and we will let you know in minutes whether you will qualify for a signature bond versus a bond that requires collateral. At Liberty Bail Bonds will do our best to allow you to use a signature bond if it is possible.

Liberty Bail Bond Agent giving a thumbs up in the Florence Police Department jail.

Allow Us To Help You Through This Tough Time! 

Call us now for a free consultation and quote. We’re here to help 24/7 every day of the year. 

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